
Communications in Theoretical Physics

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《Communications in Theoretical Physics》投稿须知
提示:《Communications in Theoretical Physics》投稿需先进行学术不端检测,查重需低于10%。需要按照投稿格式进行撰写,论文可以先进行排版,整理好再进行递交。




Instructions to Authors


Communications in Theoretical Physics (CTP) is published monthly by the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Physical Society, and online by IOP Publishing Ltd. Articles in this journal are abstracted/indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI), Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch), ISI alerting Services, and Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; Science Abstracts (SA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Mathematical Review (MR), and Russian Abstract Journal (P), etc. Contributions from all over the world are welcome.


The aim of Communications in Theoretical Physics is to present important new developments in the area of theoretical physics. Papers published in this journal are mostly devoted to the fields of (1) Mathematical Physics and Quantum Information, (2) Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, (3) Nuclear Physics, (4) Gravitation Theory, Astrophysics and Cosmology, (5) Atomic, Molecular, Optical (AMO) and Plasma Physics, (6) Statistical Physics, Soft Matter and Biophysics, (7) Condensed Matter Physics, as well as (8) Other Areas in theoretical physics. In addition to original regular articles, letters, research notes and rapid communications, CTP also publishes occasionally review articles and conference proceedings.


A submission to Communications in Theoretical Physics must be the original work of the author(s) and must not be published elsewhere or under consideration for another publication in a similar form. The text of the article can be prepared using any common variant of TeX, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, REVTeX, AMSTeX, etc. Figures should be submitted as separate files, preferably in PS (Postscript) or EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) formats. Data files for drawing figures are also accepted. The text and figure files can be packaged together into one achieve and compressed using a common utility such as PKZip, WinRAR, WinZip, ARJ, etc. If a submitted paper relies heavily on unpublished material, it would be helpful to provide a copy of that material for the use by the referee(s). If necessary, the author(s) may be suggested to revise the manuscript. When the Editorial Office informs/confirms the corresponding author that the article has been accepted for publication, the author(s) will be notified to provide an electronic version of the accepted article (including PS or EPS files of figures if it contains), which must exactly match the final version accepted.

Manuscript preparation

All manuscripts should be written in good English. The text should be prepared with double line spacing and wide margins, on numbered sheet. The structure of a manuscript should have the following order of presentation: Article title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Abstract, and keywords, Main text, Acknowledgments, Appendices (if necessary), References followed by captions of eventual figures and tables.

Corresponding author: The name, complete postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of at least the corresponding author should be given on the first page of the manuscript.

Keywords: The author(s) should provide less than five keywords that can classify and describe the content of the article.

References should be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively within square brackets in the text and listed at the end of the article in the order of citation. A journal reference should comprise author name(s), APS (American Physical Society) abbreviated name of journal, volume number (in boldface), year of publication, and first page, e.g.,

[1] J. Ellis, K. Enqvist, D. V. Nanopoulos, et al., Nucl. Phys. B 276 (1986) 14.

[2] Z. T. Fu, S. K. Liu, and S. D. Liu, Phys. Lett. A 299 (2002) 507; A. Peres, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1413.

A book reference should comprise author name(s), full title of book, editor(s), publisher, place of publication, year of publication, inclusive page number(s), e.g.,

[3] K. G. Wilson, Recent Developments in Gauge Theories, ed. G. ’t Hooft et al., Plenum Press, New York (1980), p. 28.

Figures and Tables could be collected on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript, if relevant, a detailed caption should be provided for each of the figures and tables. Number figures and tables with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. When preparing figures, the authors should pay particular attention to the widths of lines and curves, and sizes of some other symbols appeared in the figures, as some of them (for example, dotted lines, dashed lines, thin lines, etc.) may disappear after reduction if improper widths and sizes are used when drawing the figures. Figures with width less than 7.5 cm (half the width of the printed page) are most preferable, if not necessary, large figures should be avoided.


The corresponding author will receive a copy of page proofs for final reading. The corrected proofs are requested to return to the publisher without delay. In those cases where proofs are not returned within a reasonable period of time (more than 14 days), the publisher will read the proofs and publish the article without author’s comments.